Reach Out and Read, Northeast

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Children's books still normalize being white, male, neurotypical, ​and part of a nuclear family.

Each year the Cooperative Children's Book Center analyzes ​books for children and teens. As recently as 2023, they ​reported:

  • Only 39% of the children's books published in the prior year ​had at least one Black, Indigenous, or Person of Color ​(BIPOC) primary character/subject

  • Only 40% had at least one BIPOC creator. (CCBC)

An analysis of 6,000 books published from 1900 to 2000, ​demonstrated that male characters dominated -- even when ​those characters were non-human. (McCabe et al)

Books Can Be...


where children feel seen and reflected in ​the characters, feelings, or experiences ​shown throughout the story,


where they get to observe and learn about ​people or communities whose lives are ​very different from their own.

Recognizing Self in a Mirror Isolated Cartoon Vector Illustration.


Children Looking Out the Window
Mother and Baby Girl Reading a Book

Why Mirrors And Windows Matter

  • Children's literature has the power to shape a child's ​sense of identity and self-worth. When children do ​not see positive and affirming representations of ​their own culture or identity, it can negatively impact ​their self-esteem and self-concept.

  • Stories written by individuals from diverse ​backgrounds can provide authentic and nuanced ​portrayals of their own experiences and cultures, ​offering fresh perspectives and enriching the literary ​landscape.

  • When children are exposed to a limited range of ​perspectives, it can limit their ability to relate to and ​empathize with individuals from different ​backgrounds making it difficult for them to navigate ​and understand their place in an increasingly ​diverse world.

  • Access to literature with diverse characters fosters ​critical thinking, cultural awareness, and acceptance ​of differences.

What Makes A Good

Mirror & Window Book?

  • They depict a wide range of characters living ​everyday lives today -- without their identities being ​a point of conflict or the focus of the story

  • They are about something other than the “5 Fs” ​(food, festivals, folklore, fashion, and famous people)

  • They center characters from marginalized groups ​with texture and specificity, rather than including ​them as sidekicks, extras, or stereotypes

  • Their creators share the characters’ identity and ​wrote/illustrated the story from their perspective, ​based on similar lived experiences.

Boy Looking at a Wall Mirror
Parent and child homeschooling

Where To Find Some Good ​Mirror & Window Books

  • Books By Theme, National Educational Association (NEA) and ​Colorín Colorado's recommended books

  • Diverse Book Finder, thousands of picture books published since ​2002 depicting BIPOC characters.

Reach Out and Read is 501(c)3 nonprofit that gives young ​children a foundation for success by incorporating books into ​pediatric care and encouraging families to read aloud ​together.

Alex Chu , Regional Executive Director

89 South Street, Suite 201

Boston, MA 02111

Phone: 617.455.0600

EIN is 04-3481253